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Настройка DCOM при помощи DCOMCNFG.EXE

Закладка DefaultProperties

ЭлементЗначение 9x NT
Enable Distributed COM on this computer True + +
Enable COM Internet Services on this computer Не имеет значения - +
Default Authentication Level None + +
Default Impersonation Level Impersonate + +
Provide additional security for reference tracking False + +

Закладка DefaultSecurity

Элемент Значение 9x NT
Enable remote connection True + -
Default access permissions Everyone = allow access - +
Default access permissions The world = grant access + -
Default launch permissions Everyone = allow launch - +

Закладка Applications Позиционироваться на сервер.exe. Кнопка "Properties..."

Закладка Location

Элемент Значение 9x NT
Run application on the computer where the data is located False + +
Run application on this computer True + +
Run application on the following computer False + +

Закладка Security

Элемент Значение 9x NT
Use default access permissions True + +
Use default launch permissions True - +
Use custom configuration permissions False - +

Закладка Identity

Элемент Значение 9x NT
Which user account do you want to use to run this application The interactive user - +

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