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functions to determine PGPsdk version

Перечень функций SPGP

{ spgpDecrypt - decryption & signature verification functions } function spgpdecode(BufferIn, BufferOut: PChar; BufferOutLen: LongInt; Pass, SigProps: PChar): LongInt; function spgpdecodefile(FileIn, FileOut, Pass, SigProps: PChar): LongInt; function spgpdetachedsigverify(SigFile, SignedFile, SigProps: PChar):LongInt; { spgpEncrypt - encryption & signing functions } function spgpencode(BufferIn, BufferOut: PChar; BufferOutLen: LongInt; Encrypt, Sign, SignAlg, ConventionalEncrypt, ConventionalAlg, Armor, TextMode, Clear: LongInt; CryptKeyID, SignKeyID, SignKeyPass, ConventionalPass, Comment: PChar): LongInt; function spgpencodefile(FileIn, FileOut: PChar; Encrypt, Sign, SignAlg, ConventionalEncrypt, ConventionalAlg, Armor, TextMode, Clear: LongInt; CryptKeyID, SignKeyID, SignKeyPass, ConventionalPass, Comment: PChar): LongInt; { spgpFeatures - functions to determine PGPsdk version and availability } { of PGPsdk features } function spgpsdkapiversion: Longint; function spgppgpinfo(Info: pPGPInfoRec): LongInt; function countkeyalgs: LongInt; function countcipheralgs: LongInt; { spgpKeyGen - key-generation functions } function spgpkeygenerate(UserID, PassPhrase, NewKeyHexID: PChar; KeyAlg, CipherAlg, Size, ExpiresIn, FastGeneration, FailWithoutEntropy, WinHandle: Longint): LongInt; function spgpsubkeygenerate(MasterKeyHexID, MasterKeyPass, NewSubKeyHexID: PChar; KeyAlg, Size: Longint; ExpiresIn, FastGeneration, FailWithoutEntropy, WinHandle: Longint): LongInt; { spgpKeyIO - Key import/export functions } function spgpkeyexport(pKeyID,BufferOut: PChar;BufferOutLen,ExportPrivate,ExportCompatible: LongInt):LongInt; function spgpkeyexportfile(pKeyID,FileOut: PChar; ExportPrivate,ExportCompatible: LongInt):LongInt; function spgpkeyimport(BufferIn,KeyProps: PChar; KeyPropsLen: LongInt):LongInt; function spgpkeyimportfile(FileIn,KeyProps: PChar; KeyPropsLen: LongInt):LongInt;
Евгений Дадыков
апрель 2002г.

Список используемой литературы и интернет ресурсы

  1. Владимир Жельников "Криптография от папируса до компьютера" М:ABF, 1996
  2. Tatu Ylonen "Introduction to Cryptography"
  3. Брюс Шнайер "Прикладная криптография"
  4. PGP Software Developer's Kit "PGPsdk, Reference Guide Version 1.7"
  5. PGP Software Developer's Kit "PGPsdk, Users Guide Version 1.7"

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