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Свойства COM компонента

Получение свойств компонента производится аналогичным образом и в дополнительных комментариях не нуждается.

function GetComponentProperties(ApplicationName, ComponentName: String; Properties: Tstrings): boolean; var MainCatalog : ICOMAdminCatalog; Apps : ICatalogCollection; App : ICatalogObject; Comps : ICatalogCollection; comp : ICatalogObject; props : ICatalogCollection; Prop : ICatalogObject; Appscount : integer; i,j,k : integer; compsCount : integer; propsCount : integer; propValue : Olevariant; stringPropValue : string; begin try MainCatalog := CoCOMAdminCatalog.Create; Apps := MainCatalog.GetCollection('Applications') as ICatalogCollection; Apps.Populate; Appscount := Apps.Count; for i := 0 to AppsCount -1 do begin App := ICatalogObject(Apps.Item[i]); if App.Name = ApplicationName then begin comps := ICatalogCollection(Apps.GetCollection('Components', app.Key)); comps.Populate; compsCount := comps.Count; for j := 0 to compsCount - 1 do begin comp := ICatalogObject(Comps.Item[j]); if comp.Name = ComponentName then begin props :=ICatalogCollection(comps.GetCollection('PropertyInfo',comp.Key)); props.Populate; propsCount := Props.Count; Properties.Text :=''; for k := 0 to propsCount-1 do begin prop := ICatalogObject(Props.Item [k]); propValue := (Comp.Value[prop.Name]); case VarType (PropValue) of varBoolean : if propValue = true then stringPropvalue := 'Y' else stringPropvalue := 'N'; else stringPropValue := string(PropValue); end; if prop.name = 'Transaction' then case integer(PropValue) of COMAdminTransactionIgnored : stringPropValue := 'Ignored'; COMAdminTransactionNone : stringPropValue := 'None '; COMAdminTransactionSupported : stringPropValue := 'Supported'; COMAdminTransactionRequired : stringPropValue := 'Required '; COMAdminTransactionRequiresNew : stringPropValue :='Requires New'; end; if prop.name = 'ThreadingModel' then case integer(PropValue) of COMAdminThreadingModelApartment :stringPropValue := 'Apartment'; COMAdminThreadingModelFree :stringPropValue := 'Free'; COMAdminThreadingModelMain :stringPropValue := 'Main'; COMAdminThreadingModelBoth :stringPropValue := 'Both'; COMAdminThreadingModelNeutral :stringPropValue := 'Neutral'; COMAdminThreadingModelNotSpecified :stringPropValue := 'Not Specified'; end; if prop.name = 'Synchronization' then case integer(PropValue) of COMAdminSynchronizationIgnored :stringPropValue := 'Ignored'; COMAdminSynchronizationNone :stringPropValue := 'None'; COMAdminSynchronizationSupported :stringPropValue := 'Supported'; COMAdminSynchronizationRequired :stringPropValue := 'Required'; COMAdminSynchronizationRequiresNew :stringPropValue := 'Requires New'; end; Properties.Add(prop.name + ' = '+ stringPropValue); end; end end end end; result := true; except result := false end end;

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